Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cash Advance: A Discipline Tool

When you avail yourself of a cash advance, you are, more often than not, short on cash. Further, it could mean that you were not prudent and careful in spending within your "affordability" limits. Still, it could also mean that you did not have the proper control of what you have.

On another light, getting a cash advance could also mean that you are practicing discipline, and you are using such a financial option in teaching yourself to have more control. Let's explore this possibility.

When you avail of a payday loan, a form of cash advance, you are spending money that has not yet reached your pockets. It is like "counting your chicks even before the eggs were hatched." While this is true, availing of a payday loans - Canada or elsewhere -is also making your more futuristic. Why?
First, since you have already practically spent your money (on your next payday), you are left with less than your usual monthly cash. As such, you should already think in advance as to what your other options would be, so that you will still be able to live within your means.

You may look for part-time jobs that you can take, for the meantime that you are still short of cash. Or, you could dramatically cut down on your expenses. Just make sure that you don't settle for another cash advance, as that would make your situation worse. Whatever option you've decided to take, you are, for the most part, thinking way ahead. And that's a good thing!

Second, getting a cash advance teaches you to be more disciplined. If you are used to having Starbucks for breakfast, then you may want to cut down on this habit if you've already spent a certain portion of your next payday. You could always go for other cheaper alternatives to Starbucks.

For one, you can go for cheaper coffee. But if you really are a Starbucks fan, then you can just buy some coffee beans from the said shop and make your coffee at home. You'd still have Starbucks - but at a lesser price. Who knows, you would make this into a habit. In the long run - especially after the cash advance has already been paid off - you could truly save a few dollars just by making your Starbucks coffee at home!

Third, the cash advance experience could teach you to save. Because you've experienced how it is to be short on cash, to be without money when you truly need some, then you could rethink your spending behavior and make way for some savings. Naturally, you feel uncomfortable spending money that's not yet within your hands. Because you don't want to be in the same situation again, you try to save as much as you can. Thus, when rainy days come, you always have something in your account to spend
